SBI Specialist cadre officers 407

SBI Specialist cadre officers 407

Details of posts:
1) Relationship Managers, 2) Assistant Relationship Managers, 3) Investment Councellors4) Custemers relationship excecutives,5) Jonal Head, 6) Investment Officers and other posts.

Qualifications  :

Regarding the posts  the candidates should have any degree/ B.Tech/ BE/PG/MBA/MMS/PGDM/M.Tech should have the experience in concerned fields.

Selection process  :

 The  Candidates have to attend the interview.The eligilible candidates should be selected by he interview.

Application Process  :

  The interested and eligible candidates have to apply online only The online application process will be started from  31-01-2018 and will be closed on  15-02-2018.

website :

 for more information the candidates are requested to visit the website