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latest jobs updates
Sl.No | Name of the Establishment | Name of the Post | Number of the Posts | Mode of Application | Mode of Examination | Starting Date for Submission of Online applications | Last Date for submission of application | Website Address |
1 | Health Medical and Family Welfare Department (HMFW) AP | Technicians, Junior Assistants, OS | 142 | online | contarct and Out Sourcing | VIsit website | 23-01-2025 | |
2 | Ex servicemen Contributary Health Station (ECHS) Delhi | Medical, Para Medical Non Medical | 262 | online | contarct | VIsit website | 22-01-2025 | |
3 | Bharath Earth Moverse Limited | Junior Excutive Posts | 10 | online | contract | VIsit website | 21-01-2025 | |
4 | UCO BANK k0lkatta | Local Bank Officers | 250 | online | VIsit website | VIsit website | 05-02-2025 | |